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Following the COVID-19 crisis, education in the Meuse-Rhine Euregio has been impacted by the shutdown of schools. This closing initiated the need to rethink learning pedagogy and to develop tools to support the schooling of pupils and students in our territory. This observation led operators active in the field of education to come together and design the "skills4you" project.

"skills4you" aims to respond mainly to two identified problems :

1. The amplification of the various digital divides evoked for several years by technopedagogical research

A survey by Uit De Marge shows that four out of ten children experience problems with lessons, pre-teaching and homework. In addition, two thirds of children and young people do not have a laptop or personal computer at their disposal during the day. 6 out of 10 children and young people surveyed indicate that they have no one nearby who can help them with their homework. The consequence is that young people differ greatly in the prior knowledge they have during and after the COVID-19 period.

2. Lack of teaching resources for teachers to meet the characteristics of distance education and the management of academic difficulties in hybrid or distance education

For teachers, this means that any "global" approach, both at the digital level and in the classroom, will not meet the needs of many vulnerable young people. Differentiated teaching is a pedagogical-didactic approach that helps teachers to manage these differences in a positive and proactive way. The project therefore aims to strengthen teachers' skills in applying differentiated teaching and to show innovative ways of adapting differentiated teaching to current teaching and learning contexts.


The "skills4you" project is a project conceived by and for the Meuse-Rhine Euregio. The operators involved in the implementation of the objectives of this project are :

  • The CeCoTePe (Lead partner) ;
  • Stichting College Citaverde (Project partner);
  • The University of Hasselt (Project partner);
  • Job@skills (Project partner);
  • The University of Maastricht (Project partner);
  • University College Leuven Limburg (Project partner);
  • The Province of Limburg (Project partner).

"skills4you" is also supported by :

  • Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft (Associate Partner);
  • Limburgse loopbaan ontwikkelcentrum (Associate Partner);
  • CRIG-HELMo (Associate Partner).
Project funding

The "skills4you" project is a project funded by CALL6 of the Interreg V-a programme of the Meuse-Rhine Euregio. This programme is financed by the ERDF fund of the European Union.

"skills4you" also receives financial support from the regional authorities :

  • La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles ;
  • Provincie Limburg ;
Target groups

The "skills4you" project is aimed at :

  • Pupils and teachers of the 5th and 6th grades of secondary education ;
  • Pupils and teachers of the 1st bachelor's degree in higher education.

The "skills4you" project aims to :

  • Carry out a study in schools/colleges/universities in the three regions;
  • Develop the tools needed to understand the challenges of blended learning and to train teachers in digital skills;
  • Create training modules for pupils and students to help them manage their e-learning in a blended learning environment;
  • Develop a to-measure professional programme for teachers, called our "Differentiated Teaching Intervention" to support pupils and students.

The results of the project will be disseminated throughout the Meuse-Rhine Euregio so that all pupils, students, teachers and trainers can benefit from the tools and materials developed.